It’s good for women to be treated equally as men. I am all for the advancement of women in our society. Women empowerment is needed, however, this new trailblazer stand by “Modern Women” has gone too far, it is distorted and without accountability. It is a slap in the face to Life, and so stand to naturally defeat all.
Living in New York, I have gotten to observe the behaviors of thugs. They would get up each day with the conviction and resolve that they have to get their narcotics, their alcohol, their money, their sex. All without fostering balance, and giving little, if anything, in return. The mindset is, they deserve these things, and if you would point out to them ominously that their actions are irresponsible and self-defeating, they would hyper-aggressively disagree, proclaiming it is “thug life forever!” Where to them, it’s each person who are not like them, who needs to check their self. There is a growing popular culture set of women in our society championing independence, female power, and feminism, dubbed modern women. Now, analyzing modern women operations in regard to courtship and marriage, you will see that they hold similar demands as the thugs, and selfishly radicalizing what men must accept from them at the bargaining table. There is no principle nor due diligence being applied on these women’s part. They are shallow, and ultra conceited; once they have their skin glowing and SHOWING, their revealing tights and bra, their booze, their drugs, their insistence on vanity, their money, their sex, their treat, their BIRKIN bag, that’s it. Easy comes, easy goes! Modern women’s substance is merely superficial. Life purpose is lost on them, there is no spirituality to see here, and this is women we are talking about. Times before when the men were wayward and lost, you could always count on the women to keep the right order. The spiritual dynamic of life can’t be taken lightly, nor ignored, because it is fundamental life development for the woman. If she do decide to have children, she needs spiritual anchoring beyond the physical, to be a good mother, and to be an exemplary grandmother, later on. Having a grasp on spirituality is how the woman is meant to play her integral role in societal building. You had thought that ‘girls gone wild’, was scandalous enough. They say, look at this face, look at this ass, look at this shape, what else could be required? With this body I must be adored, men should feel more than lucky to have me, I am more than a trophy, men must worship me. They can’t keep a relationship for long; they are toxic, immature, insecure, dunce, dull, low-value women. They are emotionally insecure, broadcasting every detail online, and constantly seeking the spotlight, and mass validation. With a common practice of no privacy in their intimate relationships, insisting to go against their spouse wishes. Keeping the relationship affairs within the home is imperative for men. Men need privacy to feel like a man. Imagine this, a woman not taking the time to look and go inside to find her true value and to know her worth. Instead, her priorities are BBLs, lip jobs, facelift, tummy tuck, and other cosmetic surgeries. I am not condemning women, this is an honest, reasonable and only natural call for modern women to be sensibly better. There way is radical and unlike what it means to be a woman, if the woman goes down, the Earth goes down, as well.
Talking to each other, these women are like, see this new body, girl? Going to make me some serious money – OnlyFans!!! There is no shame, akin to prostitution. I am not saying that these are exclusively the things that these women indulge in, but it represents the primarily extent to which modern women go in their behaviors. This shows an erosion of innate dignity; a defeat to what it is to be a woman, a defeat to all women in our society, whether they stand unconventional to a degree, or traditional. This has gone too far, it is diabolically unnatural. They are so loose and out there, and it begs the question, what’s the God forbidden thing going on with these women? This can’t work. Watch out, our Earth, she is called Mother Earth for a reason, she is called Mother Nature for a reason. She is natural, she is life producing, she is fruitful, she is royal, she is glorious, honorable, exemplary, respected…. she is crowned!!! Simply put a woman is divine, that what she was always meant to be, with or without a man. Not ever moving towards confusion, nor disregarding, misapplying and disgracing her modesty – her hidden and simple, yet all powerful truths and beauty.
We may have disputes now of unparalleled proportions on the topic of women submitting to men. But if you carefully observe how attraction works, a man pursuing a woman and the woman accepting his advances, you will simply observe that its working spell submission on the woman’s part. The woman submitting is not only necessary, but also primal. It’s like she decides to give herself away to the man, whom she senses from what he says and do when pursuing her; his confidence, his persistency, his assuredness, his intellect, is strong enough to carry her. She depends on the man, and the man fulfills the mating order by delivering and supplying her wants and needs. Even as observed in the animal kingdom, for there to be mating, the male has to show strength first, then the female sees him as capable – she submits and give him what he desires. So yes, foundationally to the woman, the man must be worthy of her submission. Then the woman must submit to the man when she finds him deserving of it, and not rebel in the name of ‘girl power.’
In the current dating scene, many men spanning from young men in their 20s to older men in their 40s and above, are having a hard time with these women, on the market. They are trying, but left confused and dejected, refusing to pursue women anymore. Men who know that they are capable, are left bemused by the behavior to modern women. To men, respect equals love. Modern women tend to gleefully disrespect men, in tandem with their unnecessary demands, and behaviors where men are shamed, and deliberately used for their resources. All while the women are not coming to the table with the offerings of their half – just no value to offer other than their beauty. They yearn for the men to be able to step up to the plate and meet their demands, while all they have to offer is their conceited-beauty, and physical satisfaction. In marriages men are disrespected, unappreciated, emasculated, belittled, and deprived of their sexual needs, to name a few. Modern women culture is one that proactively strive to diminish men in all traditional spheres of society. For us men, our pride is dear. Therefore, in marriages as with the dating dynamic, good men are walking away. Walking away to protect what dignity they have left, their peace, and to save themselves from mental decline and insanity. With them the growing tendencies now are requiring men to be ‘old money,’ making a minimum of $120,000.00, be 6 feet plus in height, funny and assertive, not too sweet (but street), have a 150 IQ, and a deep voice, to be their man. While I agree intellectual and economic security in their ideal man is necessary, the question is, why being domestic and all the natural things men expects from women, have all gone out the window? Another is, why are they replaced with superficiality, vanity and sex? Men are tired now; they don’t get it. Men know these things are not what a solid relationship is built on. They want a woman in their life, but know that superficiality, vanity and sex just can’t hold a real man. It’s simply just a waste of their time and hard-earned resources. Now, we have men making the hard, but personal wellbeing safeguarding decision to get divorced, or stay single. These women have turned the game upside down with their unrealistic and deluded expectations. This is the standard that modern women hold, and they are toxically holding out. However, love doesn’t necessarily work like that, they choose myopia to the truth that love can still happen without a complete match.
Modern women say they want a man who can ‘run the streets’ – with the perceived “toughness, and strength.” Which is why many men are disregarded, rejected, and even emasculated by these women. However, they will meet a man who is going places, that is capable and definitely have a bright future, and yet, they would fail to recognize his potential as a strong man, a good man and an ideal mate. All in the name of, he is not street. This fixation on thugs, “street guy” attraction by modern women, while they fail to recognize strong men in our society, who are not street guys, show a calamitous failure on their part to play their natural mating role. Women were made to detect strength in a man for mating (relationship partner purpose), it is part of their innate essence. However, they are now unnaturally blind to the truth that there are many strong men, men of value, attractive men who can offer them true satisfaction and security, walking among them, in the society, and who are not unstable thugs, nor of the streets. Furthermore, even what modern women fail to realize is, that a lot of streets guys are not really strong men, they are just physical.
To conclude, there is a disconnect between Life’s natural order and the behavior of modern women. Even if the woman submitting to the man is debatable, with modern women declaring ‘girl power,’ being shallow, and having their modesty and divine nature nonexistent, their overall mode of operation is corrupted. This is the most telling, as from the very beginning and throughout the ages, when you say woman, you say divine. Modern women now discarding this key tenet, balance, and accountability, is tantamount to the thugs disconnect with society. Their stand is one to defeat the natural order, to go against Life, and defeat humanity. Life with its natural laws cannot be defeated, so being unnatural, humans will defeat themselves, instead. Therefore, as modern women increasingly behave in this manner, they are extremely irresponsible and deprave, threatening human existence, and paradoxically stand to annihilate even women, themselves.

Unfortunately, the society that we live in has become obsessed with outer appearances. One only needs to turn on his/her television set to be bombarded with images of superficial beauty. No longer are beauty standards based on internal traits such as intelligence, authenticity, and kindness. Rather people have a flawed concept of what is most important. This is seen even in relationships that are often based on external attributes. Societal norms such as securing large amounts of materialistic possessions and engaging in plastic surgery has led to individuals who are concerned only with limited aspects of peoples’ lives and significance to society.
Life has seemed to stray and this much has been known and at some point an uncaring feeling has been formed
I do think that this stigma is very true. But men must ask themselves if they are dating the wrong woman?? There are many modern women who can hold their own and still have wifely qualities. Now, I have heard unbelievable stories about women who have a list about what restaurants they don’t want to go to on the first date.
And yes, it is quite ridiculous. There are also demands of how much money he must spend on the first date and even shopping on the first meeting. But as I said before, there are modern women who can hold their own and still have wifely qualities your just have to take your time and look for them.
Great article title and points, Fabian! For others’ clarification, the modern women you’re talking about do not reflect all women. Authors and bloggers in ‘the manosphere’ have written many books about the societal damage these women are normalizing. Fabian, thank you for your title. Comparing these women to thugs is a fresh take on a topic that’s been heavily talked about.
Hey NT,
I am glad you like my new Blog post.
Yes, these women just come up with this new order; bragging and boasting, with no shame. It’s there way or the highway, literally. Then when the sense in their behavior is questioned and disapproved of, in the face of the truth they defy accountability.
To see women acting like this is beyond sad. Women are the gatekeepers, but instead what we have now are rotten women. Low value women with poor standards, will proliferate low value men.
So, NT like thugs, the discontent with these women to society, is sickening.
It has now been discussed a lot, but not too much, and this is my insight to point to the problem with truths, for the solution.
So, as you know better, let this post be a catalyst for your stand for change in that regard, NT.
Thank you, again.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Thank you my good Brother. Your writing skills are Superb. You hit the point all the time. We are in the last days my good Brother. Everyone need to get Closer to God in Christ Jesus Name. Thanks again my good Brother. I really Appreciate your Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of Life. Amen
Hey John,
my big brother, I thank you for you continued support.
Yes, people are creating new orders more and more, and each time a new order is created in our society, the people disregard life and nature to make their new ways stand.
We know that nothing implemented in creation can stand if it stands against life and nature.
Yes brother, our bible did warn of these times.
These are the last days, indeed.
I will continue, and you who know better as well, please try and reach out to others with the truth.
Jesus is always near, so even though so many are lost, let’s look to help, and always pointing to our Savior.
Thank you, again, John.
God’s continued blessings be with you.