Never before has the population been subjected to such degree of suffering. We are killing ourselves. Yes, it is self-inflicted, it is all our doing. Everyone going along, no one deciding to do say or do something about it, to stand up for Life and true living.
We live in an unnatural world, and that’s an extremely degenerative stand. We choose to be here, as we value pleasure over everything else. We insatiable indulge in pleasure, then jump and shout, declaring, we are living it up! All while it can’t be found on us that to be alive, is to live. Born to live, called into this world to live. And yes, while living is indeed not a simple thing to achieve, we have knowingly decided that instant gratification is a priority above discipline, and all the natural laws we were called to obey. Being a human, one can’t just do as they feel to attain living. Life is an orderly operation, not for following someone else life, not even for following society’s expectations, but to follow Life’s principles. In each of us is a yearning desire for expression in the highest, being excellent. This requires growth through learning. Where discipline is key. Discipline can be fundamentally defined as following principles.
In some parts of Europe, other areas around the world, and within the American society today, there are several maladies of disposition, which have been gradually developed since the advent of Social Media. Where behaviors of man, woman, boy and girl have been suddenly influenced for death and destruction. Where self is at the forefront. Each person is overly self-absorbed, and in everything desiring their next dopamine high. We were meant to take on life with the mantra, live like we are dying. However, we have tricked ourselves, brutishly choosing the opposite, dying, and calling it living. The society is broken down, where people only have regard, interest and care for their self (self and not themselves, is used here to emphasize selfishness). Thus, there is no surprise to the results being observed. It’s a stand of evil. Quoting the Bible, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exists, there will be disorder and every evil practice” (James 3:16).
The men have failed the women by being indifferent to their manhood, and having sex as their prime focus, while the women have failed society, and failed Life by accepting these men, as the women too, optimally prioritize sex. We have all failed social media; where the manner in which we utilize the platforms against what they were intended for – the instant gratification, the indiscipline, the constant comparison, the pride, the hate, the overindulgence, the hypocrisy etc., have all proven that we have failed ourselves, also. Given the chance to do good, with each man left to choose for himself, which is right, he will selfishly choose evil – only honoring the self. This is why we mishandle social media. There is a pattern of behavior among American women, and other nationals around the globe, resulting in them being labeled “Modern Women”, these women claim their stance is to declare their independence from men and advance women’s power. However, it’s more egotistical than productive. Moreover, these women are unnatural in their approach, their natural and nurturing qualities are non-existent. They focus on money and sex, and as that sounds, they are indeed behaving like prostitutes. They are all skin, even if covering is not necessary, modern women natural modesty and divinity are non-existent. The Earth is the life source, but when it is giving and sustaining life to every living thing – fulfilling its purpose, you don’t see the working of it, its power is underground. For women it was intended to be no different. Let the men desire to know you, all of you, not your skin, not just sexually. Modern Women literally live in the mirror, and are unilaterally concerned about their superficial aspects. Making themselves hyper shallow, with little outside of looks to offer in a relationship. Therefore, women must be covered, alluring but not exposed, I am talking about the natural female essence here. They are mostly seen and desired for the physical attraction, because that’s what they broadcast to the world. You don’t need to go on the internet to see porn, these women are porn stars walking about, and on display for all to see. You will ask, how is your boyfriend? Then she will answer, which one?! Yes, Modern Women are characterized by having an average of 3 boyfriends. All for the treat, all for the sex. These women don’t mind cheating and playing the field, they’re heavy proponents of these. This change, this difference in women’s behavior is only chaos and destruction. What about purpose? That’s why we are here, right? They don’t care, just busy living a life of pure fun.
The men are no leaders. Again, there is a thing called purpose; it’s why we all were born. It’s not an easy ascent, but men today reserve all their efforts to video games, getting high, sex (mainly porn for most men), and other unproductive undertakings. There is a decline in and absence of men of status and high value. This also coincides with the rise of social media. When you give man the freedom to express himself, as with social media, only a rare few do so for the general good. As we see, men perceived this freedom as power, the power of SELF. The natural and some key societal tenets are ignored by men, rendering many without the power of their manhood, and even below the women in authority. Men don’t provide, don’t lead, don’t protect, don’t inspire, making it a dysfunctional order of life for themselves, and all others. The natural standards of men have also been eroded. Men prioritized sex, but ironically, this has led to them having historically less intercourse. Where women are finding some men less attractive due to their degenerative low-value behaviors.
The youth, as you can see have no true and solid example. So, there is a generation coming up to a spoiled future. They are unduly exposed, and not knowing better, not seeing any better, are following the order set by corrupted men and women. The teens in particular, takes these lies, and proliferate them in the atmosphere. Consequently, we must keenly watch the pre-teens and younger children, as there is no limit to the spread and impact of these crippling and self-destructive behaviors.
No one wants to wait, wait the due course anymore. Patience is utterly gone out the window. Nature, Life teaches us that if one makes a mistake, then that person corrects it by learning from their actions. Now, everyone wants to defy the natural laws, they want a quick fix. So, they fix it, but there is no lasting happiness, or no happiness, at all. People totally have no regard for God. We are free to have our beliefs, it’s our right, but what God, they ask? They are their own God. The Plastic Surgeons have never seen so many clients and interests in their trade – the BBL, the lip job and face lift. The Voodoo practitioners has never seen such increase in their clientele. More good girls have gone bad, like never before, this occurring simultaneously with the rise of OnlyFans. All this and more. However, karma is smiling like never before, she is at an all-time high, she knows her PAYBACK future has never looked this bright. These things can be observed in various parts of the world, and among the American population, where it’s more evident and pronounced with some demographics.
Thus, we have decided to have it our way, decided to override Life’s way; by putting pleasure and perpetual pleasure, that is, above truth and rights, and above discipline. So, we end up with nothing more than our self. Life is more than who we are. Therefore, when we only live for the self, and refuse to honor the natural laws of nature, we merely fail ourselves – individually and as a people. We are now lost, and with no hope for glory, because we have turned our backs on Mother Nature.

Fabian has always gone above and beyond, always sharing help, knowledge and a great energy with those around him. With unique experience and wisdom well beyond todays norm, Fabian will do great things!
Hey Albert,
I appreciate you, and I love this comment.
You know, the things you said about me here, are qualities that all of us as human beings have in us to cultivate and express. I always aim to share and be kind, because I know kindness is everything when it comes to interacting, communicating and connecting with each other. Kindness is Love expressed.
So, I am now telling you to continue be open and appreciative, and then the good you see in others, is the same good and more that you will see in yourself.
Thank you, and God bless.
My husband told me about Fabian and sent me his site. He has it all figured out – love, God, and great design… Oh, and on top of that he gets my love for coffee. I am definitely hooked on this gear!
Hey Natalia,
I am so glad your husband shared my Blog Post and the Shop categories with you.
I know I must do the right thing, we must aim for that, because we can’t continue to merely exist, when we were called to live.
So, this is me playing my part, helping. Any help is a good thing. Once it is spelt h-e-l-p, it is needed, and a little can go such a far war.
I hope the best for you, and that what you enjoyed on my site you can apply and express it in your own unique way – to your enjoyment and in serving others.
There are many other CLASSIC coffee graphic design products in the SHOP, just search “coffee”
Thank you, and God bless.
Hey Fabian, good take on the topic. It was a balance,fair assessment of us as a people and individuals. Very good read. Continue living in your truth and continue writing and talking about topics that help us look into ourselves.
Thank you, Craig.
Yes, I will continue, and I want you who understands that this is of righteousness, to also go ahead and shine, so other can be influenced by you, also. I have to help, we have to help, and the help is needed now more than ever. Too much darkness, let the light be just that, shine bright, so others can see and walk the right path.
God continued blessings be with you, Craig.
Fabian, great job on your knowledge on what
is going on in the world today. I pray for our
generation to change and do what is right
in God’s Word.
Thank you, and God bless.
Hi Fabian, it was really fulfilling to read, very profound. I am so proud of you and how you are using your knowledge/ insight to allow others to view what is happening around us. Keep it up.
Hey Ms. McKenzie,
I am student of Life, and as human beings we have the highest responsibility in it all. So, when I see people straying further and further from nature, I know it is not a simple thing, but a serious problem. Therefore, I will continue my efforts to help people live right and save themselves and others from a life of failure, and self-inflicted death. So, with you approving this Blog, I want you to go out and do the same, bringing forth needed change in this sad world.
Thank you, and God’s continued blessings be with you.
Good evening Fabian,
I just read your article on people’s behavior in today’s society. You have an excellent grasp and understanding of what is going on in this modern society. All the technology and social media platforms are wreaking havoc on young people’s minds. Societies around the world are falling apart. We need to set a good example for the next generation to follow.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Hey Ilia,
Thank you so much. Indeed, every day as you look, it is so plain to see the corruption of the people. When you witness the behaviors, you want to think there is a limit to its reach, you say to yourself, surely not the kids. But we as a people has gone so far, that the innocent children are exposed to the immorality and overall evil, that is seemingly setting them up for a blight, tarnished and sad future.
So, especially for the youths, we have to pray to God.
Yes, definitely a presence of a better example in our society, is needed now. We who act better, can’t passively observe, we have to take courage and influence others. This influence must be clingy, though. With patience and tolerance, we have to cling to them for our efforts of help to take effect.
Thank you again, Ilia.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Hey Michele,
When I look I see so much people heading down a sad road; a road of damage and death to themselves and others. It is rapidly increasing, and moving fast, with many people choosing this way, and some don’t have the understanding, or otherwise strength to put up a fight, so they can be in the way of the light, the one true light, Love.
We know God is Love, and he needs the ones who understand to work for him, to help influence the world for righteousness and stop this great sufferings and ultimate death. So, I am called to do this; with kindness and a mind and mouth speaking truths and rights, I will help people to see light, to understand that they have a calling to serve others, and not just live for their self.
Thank you for your comment, and God’s continued blessings be with you.
Fabian has given each of us a moment to think and reflect on our contributions to mother nature, to the world around us. Thank you for the moment of thought. Keep being as thoughtful as you are!
Hey Taleisa,
I will continue to observe and take action with my findings. To influence others to live upright, with discipline doing the best for themselves and for the life of others. To not let pleasure and excuse deceive them into ruin themselves.
So, that people can understand that their purpose is why they were born, and to be empowered to fulfill it.
Thank you, and seeing you approving the message of this Blog Post, I want you to be an example to others in this order, also.
God continued blessings be with you.
Hey Fabian, I am so pleased that you decided to write on this topic; as in my opinion this entire world have went upside down and hopefully with this observation of yours, some of us would comeback to normality. This is another great job of yours, keep up the good work.
Hey Ivone,
This world is literally upside down at this point, and the people are aligned for the worst.
I know change is needed, that’s why I choose to write on this topic. However, not to just write, but to take an active stand. The world need this, and people like us who understands, have an integral assignment to help, help the people turn from death, and ultimately have life, and have it more abundantly, with God’s plan for them in Jesus Christ.
So yes, I hope and I am making an active effort to bring back the people to normality. To help saving them from destroying themselves and others in the things that they love, which are taking them further and further away from Mother Nature, and true living.
Thank you, and God’s continued blessings be with you.
This article resonates with the prophetic text of the Apostle Paul regarding the last days (i.e., at the end of the age); Paul said that, “men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.” Not considering to themselves that there will come a time where all men will have to give an answer for the way they had lived, and for every debauchery, licentiousness, evil and unrestrained desires that is unseemly and which violates the righteousness of God (Cf. 1 Jn. 5:17 KJV).
Therefore, when we see these things happening in great propensity we are admonished to, “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” (Ibid., Col. 4:5) Again, I say to those of you who are reading this post that, “when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Cf. Lk. 21:28). For even we, “[ourselves] know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” (Ibid., 1 Thess. 5:2). For, even the Apostle Peter also said that, “there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming?” (Cf. 2 Pet. 3:3). Notwithstanding, “beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (ibid., v. 8).
Nevertheless, in spite of this theological revelation, it still did not change the human depraved mind and their unbridled desires to continue in their sin; and this is the fact for their depravity and unwillingness to do what is right and pleasing to God; this is because “the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Cf. Rom. 8:7). Now, “when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Cf. Rom. 1:21-22ff). This is because they’re “carnal minded” and live in an inoculated society where “they” have been educated to embrace the sinful indulgence of hedonism, as well as the ideology of Satanism (i.e., a materialistic system of belief based on personal freedom that has Satan as the central figure. Source: Wikipedia), and without failing to eagerly mention the damnable belief in moral relativism. But, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!” (Cf. 5:20-21).
Consequently, because of this, God said that, “he will pour out his anger and wrath on those who live for themselves, who refuse to obey the truth and instead live lives of wickedness. There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on doing what is evil.” Now, behold and listen to the “good news”, wherein it has been said that, “God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, [and] now he commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins and turn to him” (Cf. Acts 16:30). For, “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (Cf. Pet. 3:9).
Fabian, I certainly do enjoy reading your article and I applaud your ebullience and penmanship. You write with such passion, enthusiasm and profundity. Keep up the great work you’re doing through soul writing, as you’re touching lives and reaching the masses.
Thank you Dr. Ruel Lewis.
Yes indeed, all the things mentioned by Paul in that scripture is highly evident now in our society. The society is plagued with selfish and unkind people. Furthermore, we know already that the physical man can’t understand the spiritual things, and to compound that, people have no natural regard, let alone empathy and love, for their fellow man and God The Creator. When people get social media it’s proof they take that as their SELF broadcasting channel – self centric people who at best merely pretend to care.
Some can be saved, so it takes people like you with a comprehensive spiritual understanding to work tirelessly for the needed change in people, in our society, in the world.
Thank you for your feedback.
God continued blessings be with you Dr. Lewis.
Very well written and powerful, Fabian. Thank you so much for sharing this. I hope all will read this, take heed your message and govern themselves accordingly.
Hey Mark,
Thank you for your feedback.
I know this message is needed; it is not condemning anyone, but for people to look in themselves and see the errors that have been dominating the public psyche, and apply themselves in the right accordingly.
I will keep spreading these messages to
effect the needed changes in our society, in the world.
I want you to spread this message also, as the truth is needed now.
Thank you, again.
God continued blessings, Mark.
Thank you so much my good Brother. We need more Brothers in this world like you. It is so True, what you are saying, because we are in times of Revelation, but nobody wants to talk about it. Most people want to go along with this Crazy society. You are a Special Brother, keep up the Outstanding work. God in Christ will truly Bless you. Amen 🙏
Hey John,
Yes my big brother, it is indeed sad the things that are going on. The society is craving pleasure so much that, people can’t see the bad, the wrong they are doing and following. We say pleasure to replace discipline, we say pleasure to replace strength, we say pleasure to replace brotherhood and sisterhood, we say pleasures to replace growth, we replace order with pleasure, just living for fun, and thus we deny our own selves of happiness, true happiness. It’s a wonder that we are living in a crazy society, yet people mostly going along with it. A blind society. A crazy society. A lost society.
The majority going the wrong way, I want you to join me in standing up for a change. We are humans, and each needs the other. We need God. The madness is near us, in front of us and around us.
Thank you John, I will keep speaking and spreading this message and more. So let’s do our part, and strive to do it now.
God’s continued blessings be with you.🙏
FABIAN, nice to meet u again, and want to say u did amazing on this. I understand what u saying. I saw it, watching a woman degrading a man and have no remorse. But I hope in God almighty everything will back to normal, but right now we still have lots of problems to solve. Also I want to say that lots of men and women have lots of potential to do something big in life, but they choose to do something that will not benefit them. Me, a Christian myself, it is hard to watch, but it takes one person to change, with the help of God.
I so appreciate you, Tom, my brother.
We can see the problem every stop we make throughout the day. You are right, the Women are behaving so unlike what is natural for a woman (unnatural). They show no dignity, no respect, no remorse, no shame…
I observe that the men have lost complete sight of what is imperative to pursue as a man.
But we have to keep reaching out to help; I believe the people really want to do better, it’s just that they easily give in to all the negative influences. Like, you said, it takes one person to change, to effect that positive trend. I believe by doing this, and with God’s helping power, people will be righteously impacted, after seeing that they are committing suicide by just living for highs and pleasures.
So stay positive, and shine the light so others can find God.
God’s continued blessings be with you, Tom.
Thank you for your support.
Great blog!
This was a compelling read. It caused me to think more introspectively about my actions in life. Also, to look with a more critical eye at society and what happens around me. I agree with many of the points you highlighted in this post. Main thing is to create a better legacy for the teens to follow for the future. We can’t merely be self focused because it continues to perpetuate these negative impacts on the world at large.
Thank you Fabian for penning this compelling post.
Thank you so much, Shanique.
The natural order is thrown aside in our society. So, you are right that we need to get the right message across to the teens. We have the adults as it stands now, living this corruption, and the teens are coming up as the next generation for adulthood. What we have is a degenerative state across all life stages, the adults, teenagers, and kids. So, stemming it by getting the right message across for letting it stop with the teenagers, would me a paradigm shifting stand. This would turn it around, with the teens growing into adults with the right mentality, vibration and example to pass down.
You have provided a very useful solution, Shanique, and I will incorporate this in my approach.
Your comment was needed. Please continue staying strong and holding on to the light for righteousness.
God’s continued blessings be with you and your loved ones.
Fabian, this was a powerful read. Thank you for sharing this blog. Many of us have fallen victim to society, and everything negative that is out there on social media because we are trying to keep up and stay current. In the process some of us have devalued ourselves. Will things ever go back to the good ole days when people respected themselves more? I don’t know, but prayer is powerful and I believe that change can happen. Continue doing the great work that you are doing.
This was such a great read on a topic that truly needs to be discussed and shared. God bless and keep on writing!
Thank you, Arta.
I am glad for your feedback; it’s a topic that is at the center of the direction the society is heading, so it must be addressed with impactful solutions. People need to not just see the truth, but live it, also.
Yes, I will keep on doing this.
Please do your part, and God’s continued blessings be with you and your loved ones.
Thank you, SG.
I don’t believe the people know, or are they aware how they are devaluing and even destroying themselves. I just believe they are drawn into the deceptive “I see, I follow” trend. They don’t really understand, pleasure is their doom. It is sad, because they are addicted to the dopamine highs. I believe it can change, though. We have to stay strong, and always sacrificing – that is being tough in the face of rejection as we stop to teach and show them the way. The teaching will connect, no matter how far gone they are; as humans they do have it in them, deep down for the right message to connect. Something in them wanting the truth, will move them to listen. This is not easy, but as humans we need each other. We are seeing this failure across the life stages in our society, and I know it will take a stand on side of humanity for the people to come back from the brink of total self destruction.
The people need the few who are not corrupted, those who have the real light. They need you, they need me, they need all the people who see the truth and commented on this Blog post, and all those who chase after righteousness in this world.
God’s continued blessings be with you and your loved ones.
Fabian, I so appreciate this post, thank you. God’s word for our lives is the most important thing. He has great plans for all of us and all we have to do is pay attention to what He wants to convey. May God continue to bless you and keep you and may you continue to remember who your source is!
Thank you so much, Adele dear.
You know it has been that God The Father’s desire is for we the people here of Humanity, to be saved. It remains that God wants to help humanity by saving people. When I see what is going on, I am so sad, and also very disappointed. Helping people means everything to me. When I see people now ever increasing
in defeating their own self in the things that they approve of, all while the society is saying “that is cool, this is what trending”, I am passionately and compassionately called to action. So, I write this as a way for people eyes to be open so they can see the right way, the Life-way, and turn back to God. Adele, I also see that the people want to help themselves, they want to do better, they just having an hard time staying strong with the system making it so easy for them to choose folly. Deep down they can tell it’s not right, even immediately after they indulge in the various wrongs that going on out there, they can definitely tell, this is not right, saying to themselves, there got to be more in this Life for me. But how do they find that? Not from this corrupt order we have as the guide. Only God can, through Jesus, and he is near every time. So, I am doing this to help the people change to be what they were truly meant to be, who they were called into this life to be. Not regeneratively killing themselves, but to have Life, and have Life more abundantly.
I want you to continue to see the truth, and also stand to help. They say fun, but inside, within, the people souls are in great despair, crying out for saving.
God continued blessings be with you, Adele.
I am glad for this article. As you share your observations we may begin to look a little closer at ourselves. As you said we desire to express ourselves and to be excellent,that requires vision and work. I am encouraged by your awareness. Maybe this article could start us thinking and help us begin a dialogue. If you don’t realize there’s a problem you won’t fix it.
You mentioned we seek instant gratification, along with indiscipline and overindulgence all stems from our capitalist system. We are tought the heard mentality. The truth might be we might just need more people like you bringing these truths to our consciousness.
Thank you Fabian.
From one of your early supporters.
After reading this well throughout and articulate article, I am proud to say that I have the distinct honor and pleasure of knowing Mr. Fabian.
Mr. Fabian shows great courage and strength to voice his thinking for us, the masses to gain knowledge and insight on what the truth is, that we as a people ignore or are afraid to hear.
Mr. Fabian, thank you for your great and powerful thoughts that you have put into words and made clear.
Thank you, Krumah.
My brother, I observed that the people have like how the east is positioned away from the west, so the people have turn their backs on the truth, and been operating in a bitter order of self-destruction. This particular blog post is me yelling out loud, so that I, we can wake up some. I am glad you’re convicted by my message, and you feel the same.
This is not asking too much, the point where things are now is like at rock bottom, we just cannot do any more damage to ourselves, even if people can’t see, it stinks, so the smell of it should get their attention, and bring them back from the brink. It doesn’t look good.
One thing I know, God don’t want his people to be condemned forever. So, prayer; the society is in an advanced state of degeneration, but we can pray without ceasing, and use our influence to get others to pray, also. Then, there can be a turn away from this evil order, and a turn to God.
This is how we can each help ourself and each other as a whole out of this cold, dark and deadly pit.
Thank you again, Krumah.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Hi Fabian, great blog. You are well aware of what is going on in today’s society. It’s good that you are bringing awareness to it in such a creative way.
Hey Jodie,
Thank you so much. We are all one; I stand for the truth, and so I must act when I see such lies dominating humanity.
You like this blog, because you know it’s of the truth, therefore, please do you part going forward now. People in our communities, our circle, all around us, are in need of this message. Now, Join me in spreading it.
Thank you again for your support, Jodie.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Thank you very much for your service. – Your service was very professional and effective. Many thanks for the time and energy spent on it.
Hey Magic,
I am glad you refer to the service. As humans each of us is called to serve, serve others. And there is something magical about this, what I lack, your service supply, and what you lack, my service supply. Simply, we need each other.
So, through my blog posts I am serving, knowing that I can help – to light the way so others can walk in the truth.
I am happy my service has impact you, and I want you to now spread this impact.
Also, I pray that you give your service and fill the void only you can, in this society.
So that my service, your service, and all other service play for the oneness in humanity that each of us humans are called to.
Thank you so much, Magic.
God’s continued blessing be with you.
Fabian, you are a very good person.
This is a great blog post.
Keep up the great work.
God bless you much.
Hey Emirjana,
Thank you so much.
I plan to, and now with your support I definitely will.
You got it in you, also; what you see is a reflection of you on the inside.
You too must spread the light.
God bless you much, as well.
Fabian, my favorite part is: “Discipline can be fundamentally defined as following principles.” I think this is the best definition of discipline.
Hey Nick,
Man, you make me blush. I love your comment.
That definition, when I break down the word discipline, it’s simply that.
You see Nick, no one wants to do the natural things anymore; just doing as they feel.
Doing the right thing, by default is hard, and to succeed, discipline is the integral requirement. So, people are not following principles, which they must, they tell themselves it is too hard, “nobody got time for all that”. So, they choose fun, and really getting pain, they choose sweet, and really getting bitter and stink.
I tell you Nick, it might be hard, but you go ahead and continue cementing your victory in life, as you practice discipline by following principles.
Thank you, my brother.
God’s continued blessing be with you.
This is a very insightful post, and beautifully expressed. Fabian, you identify the essence of many ills in society today, namely instant gratification and lack of discipline. Also, lack of awareness of the greater natural order.
Please keep up your excellent work!
Hey Joseph,
I am Glad you see it also. What I can’t stand is seeing person after person going along in this self-destructive order and madness.
So when you understand like I do, and the others who commented on this discussion, I am glad, knowing that other people want to see the change, and follow the natural good and right order.
So dear, continue to be a part of the solution. We can’t go backwards, but remain strong and influence others with our light.
Thank you for your support and contribution.
God’s continued blessings be with you and your loved ones.
This is true, most of the world has lost its way. People are so self immersed that they ignore the world around them. People need to remember that the life we have been given is a gift and should be shared with others to make the world a better place. if everyone puts in a little bit of effort we can male this world a much better place, once again.
Hey John,
I see people socialize and shockingly they have no good social intent in them.
It is just me, me, me. So, this is the time where there is purely disguise and pretense of people true intentions.
Like you say, we get our life to share it, you share the beauty that you imagine and create with me and others, and I share the beauty that I imagine and create with you and others. No need for competition and egocentrism. One candle can light several other candles and still don’t lose its light. That what I am doing here with this blog, and I see that is what you are about, as well, John.
You have the. Truths and rights in you, continue sharing it, my friend.
Knowing that if you impact one person at the time, and I do the same, we can see the change we stand for spread in the world.
I know you can, I believe in you, because you said the truth and right thing here.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
This is a great brand and I actually know the guy, he’s a good man. Keep it up!!
Hey Santana,
Thank you so much brother. I appreciate your support.
I know that the good a human being see in another human being, is the same good that they have inside of them. Therefore, you saying I am a good man, is because you too is a good man.
Moreover, I know you can play your part in spreading the message of this blog post, promoting the truths and rights that you have inside. It’s a easier task than you may think; you just need to start with one person.
I know you can.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
You are right my friend we need to respect Mother Nature. Also, we need to follow gods rules when it comes to healthy food.
Indeed great read
Hey Noah,
Glad you enjoyed reading this blog.
So, as this message resonates with you, please be a source of influence for the needed change.
Thank you so much.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Love the products and will be buying more. Great energy displayed by Fabian, and you can feel it in this blog post.
Fabian is a very talented writer, and his passion for nature and spirituality quite impressive. I look forward to reading more of his work
Fabian this was a very good read and speaks well of the conditions we face in society today, this read must become a topic of conversation for young and old alike. Thank you for being a beacon in a darkened world.
Hey Stan,
I am Glad that you see the truth, and want to see more of it in our decaying world.
These things are happening, and what’s sad, the people are heading for worst.
This shouldn’t be, I hate to see humanity self-destructing. You as well, we hate to have this happening all around us.
Stan, continue your standard for good, brother.
With this blog post, and you and I just purposed to help one person at a time, and with God’s help, we will have the change we desire to see in our world.
Thank you so much for your comment, Stan.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Couldn’t have said it better. the normative narcissism we’ve been conditioned into with the social media smartphone vortex is destroying society. and omg, all the ecocide that went into producing these things. social media culture is distorting self definitons, causing whole generations to grow up without any sense of reality. it is terrifying but it’s also really satisfying to watch karma get her payback lol
Hey Sarah,
You are spot on; I love your comment.
Yes, this Smartphone vortex, man what a killing it’s making in our world. Now, I am sad, because it’s doing so much damage, and the movement to stop it, is nowhere in sight. From the advent of social media, this conditioning was implemented with the smartphone, and all around people are more than slaves to their Smartphones, they are Zombies. I made the decision a while back to be more productive with my smartphone, and I do way less scrolling now. Here you and I, with the others are doing our part to bring the light to the darkness.
I want you to continue on this path, your path.
By helping just one person at a time, we can have the change that we need to see in this delusional and depraved world.
A lot of peopke know better, and refuse to do better, in the name of instant gratification, fun and all pleasure.
However, the Karma storm is one these people won’t be able to weather. We wish everyone well, and yes, it is indeed satisfying to see corrupted, evil people get what they give, what they deserve.
Thank you so much, Sarah.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
Hello Fabian,
This article brings so many things to light. My hope is the world will start to embrace God and values more than social acceptance.
Wish more would inspire to be more disciplined and focused. Learning is one of the greatest sources of a dopamine and it grows you as a person.
Such a well written article by an incredible person. More folks should read this as I have found it very inspiring.
God bless.
Great post. It is good to know there are still men out there that think logically and not Carnally. All the points raised in this literary piece is spot on. The media is destroying us a people with soft porn, paramount hoes and hollywood hookers. The songs our people write and make videos of are straight up porn. So exactly what are we teaching the younger generation? Women are being taught to mutilate their bodies that resemble ants, and every other thing that God did not make them to look like. Women dress half naked and when the “dogs” come with tongues hanging they’re labeled as “perverts.” What do you expect to happen when you flash raw meat? Self respect, modesty and high self esteem, are things of the past. People’s IQ are at an all time LOW as well. Studies have shown that 40% of our children are struggling to read a book but ask them to recite a Cardi B or a Megan Thee Stallion song and they know it word for word. Can you imagine how dumb people will be a few years from now? May God bless the few that is left and I hope we can make a drastic change to help the younger ones coming up because it will not only benefit them but the generation ahead of them. I could go on but I’ll stop here.
Hey Shanea,
Thank you for this insightful, honest and wonderful comment.
It’s all gone through the window, in our society now. Disregarding everything, with no limits. I mean people are putting life and nature down for their agenda to stand. It can’t work. Just pure dysfunction. One of the greatest minds whoever lived, Albert Einstein, once said, “Nature has all the answers”. So true, humans were meant to rule life and nature, always staying true to life and their creator.
Instead, it is all self and division,
humans living a lie and standing to annihilate themselves.
Shanea, I see that you know the truth.
So, let’s continue spreading the light.
It’s not easy, but we have to continue sharing and showing the people that Jesus is always near. That he is better than any quick fix, whatever they are lacking, Jesus is their Savior, and he doesn’t judge them.
Thank you, again, Shanea.
God’s continued blessings be with you.
You are a good man.
We are good men and women.
All we can do is our best.
To inspire others to be their best.
Keep the good vibes coming.
Keep smiling, laughing, and gooding.
Rich Leiw
Hey Rich,
The positive, real and true energy is needed more now than ever.
I believe everyone wants to be loved.
However, that is not the complete picture. It is to be LOVED and be LOVED.
So, they people stop at their self. Which is why the society is the way it is now.
I will continue, and I say to you Rich, please encourage other to expect the love, and at the same time give the love.
This will effect the change you, me, we need to see in this world.
Thank you, Rich.
God’s continued blessings be with you.